Self-listing on Telos Swaps
The T-Swaps team made it as seamless as possible for users to list Telos native swap pools on T-Swaps. This guide is a simple 3 step process to show you how to list your token.
Listing a pool on T-Swaps couldn’t be easier:
- Navigate to the liquidity page of T-Swaps and login.
- Select your tokens.
- Specify the initial liquidity and press Create Pool.
Before you start
You will need:
- Enough tokens of each pair in your wallet to set the initial price of the pool correctly.
- 500 SWAP tokens payable on pool creation. This is a commitment fee to discourage spam tokens from being listed.
Technical note: Only the Uniswap algorithm is available for the creation of arbitrary pools. If you prefer the Curve algorithm, you can contact us on our Telegram channel.
Step 1 — Login
Navigate to the liquidity page on T-Swaps and login as shown in the image below.
Step 2 — Select your tokens
- Press the ‘Select a token’ button shown in the image above.
- A menu will appear that is pre-populated with a list of supported tokens. If your token appears in the list, you can choose it and proceed to the next step. Otherwise, add a new token to the list by pressing the underlined text (below, left image).
- This will expand a section for inputting the required contract and ticker information (below, right image). Press add and pick the new token from the list.

Repeat the process for both tokens of the pair.
Step 3 — Create the pair
Finally, set the amount of initial liquidity you will be supplying and press ‘Create Pool’. It is required that you have 500 SWAP to pay for the listing and that you have enough tokens available on your account to fund the initial liquidity.
That’s it!
Contact us on Telegram if you require more assistance.
This feature was enabled through funding from the Telos community and development by Y-Knot BSC and EOS ZA.